May 2016 special price Shamanic course £45! First steps in Shamanic journeying course 4

Full details of this special onetime offer, are at the end of the blog.

I’ve been living at Paddington Farm Trust since the end of February and it’s a wonderful place to live. I feel very connected me to my surroundings, nature, animals, the seasons and cycle of life. At the moment we’re going through, birth and rebirth, as the lambs are being born and the shoots of some of the crops are beginning to push there heads about the ground.

Paddington Farm has a wonderful new ‘field classroom’, that is almost finished and makes an ideal location to run my Shamanic courses from. The ‘field classroom’ is big, bright and completely made from recycled materials. It looks out over stunning views, including Glastonbury Tor, and is surrounded by acres of wood and farmland ideal for ‘middle world’ journeying.

The nearly finished, 'field classroom', at Paddington Farm

The banner picture is the sunset on Wednesday, taken from the veranda of the new field classroom – The above picture is of the nearly finished, ‘field classroom’, at Paddington Farm

Inside the vaulted field classroom at Paddington Farm, where they have just put in the first of four sliding door, which will allow your to walk straight out onto the covered veranda that surrounds the building on three sides. Next week the carpet goes down...

Inside the vaulted field classroom at Paddington Farm, where they have just put in the first of four sliding door, which will allow your to walk straight out onto the covered veranda that surrounds the building on all sides. Next week the carpet goes down…

To mark the opening of the new ‘field classroom’, I have decided to run the May – First Steps in Shamanic Journeying Course – for a special onetime offer price of £45! This gives you the opportunity to be one of the first people to ever use the new ‘field classroom’ at Paddington Farm and be one of the first people to experience my completely new Shamanic Journeying course. This couldn’t be a more perfect location to run my Shamanic courses from, so come and join me and help kick things off! Full details at the bottom of this blog.

I am looking forward to running this course, with my longstanding friend and fellow Core Shamanic Practitioner, Jan, who has agreed to co-facilitatate this course with me.


We are both excited about the content of the course and what we have to share with and teach you. You will be taught how to journey in non-ordinary reality, as well as how to middle world journey. By the end of the two days of the course, you will have met several of your spirit helpers and teachers. Including your main spirit helper, often referred to as, Totem Spirit, Power Animal, Spirit Helper. You will also get to meet some of your other spirit teachers and helpers who, if you decide to further engage with Shamanic Journeying, will take on specific roles in the different types of journeying and Shamanic healing work, you could become involved with, if you so choose.

I have designed the course to start you off on a road of Shamanic self discovery, which will teach you how to safely Shamanic Journey and allow you to enter the world of non-ordinary reality. I will teach you what Shamanism and Shamanic Journeying is and is not. I will clarify some or the misinformation and myths about Shamanism, but most of all, this course will allow you to experience Shamanism, Shamanic Journeying and Shamanic Healing first hand.

Hagbard - drumming at Glastonbury Tor, for the 2015 Winter Solstice

Hagbard – drumming at Glastonbury Tor, for the 2015 Winter Solstice

Special onetime offer – Details

This special onetime offer, is only open to people who have liked my Avena “Mind & Body” Facebook page. If you have not liked my Facebook page, but would still like to attend this course, here’s a link to my Facebook page. If you like my page, you will then become eligible for this offer. This link is to my Facebook Event Flyer for the course, which give details on how to book your place on the course.

The – First Steps in Shamanic Journeying Course – is on the weekend of 21st – 22nd of May 2016, from 10am – 5pm each day. The special onetime course fee is £45 (which is £115 of the usual £160 course fee). The offer is on a first come basis and is also open to anyone who has already booked, and is limited to ten people, to maximise your leaning experience.

Accommodation is in abundance around Glastonbury, including at the farm itself, which offers several options. Namely a room in the farmhouse at Paddington Farm, or camping on the land. There are kitchens for preparing food and plenty of shower. Alternatively you can book a B&B in Glastonbury. Please make your own accommodation arrangements directly with the farm or B&B you choose to stay at. Vegetarian lunch, will be provide on both days of the course. There is the option to eat or cook together on the Saturday evening, followed by a fire in the woods, with music/drumming, if people feel so inclined.

Paddington Farm is relativley easy to get to from London and other cities, with direct coaches to Glastonbury or a train to Bristol or Castle Cary and then a bus to Glastonbury. Local pick ups can be arranged to and from the farm, if needed.

There are already people booked on the course, who are also be eligible for this special onetime offer. Book now and don’t miss out, as places are limited.

Love, light and laughter to you all, Hagbard xxx

4 thoughts on “May 2016 special price Shamanic course £45! First steps in Shamanic journeying course

  • Karen Fisher

    Hi and thank you for this offer. I just want to ask, where and with whom did you train?

  • Ruth Benedict

    Hi Hagbard Martin,
    It all sounds wonderful and lovely; I am very tempted to apply for a place – if I could every qualify! and you must be full up and some by now. I would have to find a cat sitter …
    Anyway, Have a wonderful w/e as I’m very sure you will.
    Love and thoughts to you and family,
    Ruth X

    • Hagbard @ Avena 'Mind & Body' Post author

      Hi Ruth, thank you so much for your well wishes. If you did want a place there still are some. But book soon, as they are beginning to go. It would be lovely to see you again, Love, light and laughter to you, Hagbard (Martin) xxx

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