What is Therapeutic Thai Massage?
Therapeutic Thai Massage is an ancient, energy balancing healing art. It was first developed for the Royal family, in Thailand. Since then, it has been further developed, for all Thai people. Today it is widely practiced, in many of Thailands hospitals, as a very valid form of Medical Therapeutic Massage.
It combines stimulating specific acupressure points, along the ten sen energy lines, with applying gentle stretches to the body. It focuses on creating stability, throughout the body and rebalancing the body’s energetic system. Through creating better stability, in the body, you then allow greater mobility, which improves flexibility and posture. When the body is properly alined, the organs function more efficiently, which then allows the body to do its own natural job of self-healing.

Hagbard – standing in front of the statue of Dr Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha, who discovered and developed Thai Massage

Hagbard – working on balancing the legs.
What can I expect and how will I feel after an Therapeutic Thai Massage?
A Therapeutic Thai Massage, focuses much more on specific areas of the body. All of us will have a stronger and weaker side. A leg or arm that is more flexible, a shoulder or hip that is stiffer. This is natural and will be effected by our individual life-styles. Those of us who spend much of our days in front of a computer screen will have different mobility and stability issues, to those who have more active lives. Those who play different forms of sport or excersise, will have one side that is more dominant than the other. Again, creating specific stability and mobility issues. It is the job of the Therapeutic Thai Masseur, to diagnose the imbalance and help to bring balance back to both sides of the body.
After a Therapeutic Thai Massage, you can expect to feel much more relaxed, energised, flexible, stable, and stretched. Your mobility will have improved, you will feel a lot more centred, focused and free of aches and pains. This is achieved, through the Therapeutic Thai Masseur, focusing on the parts of the body that are most out of alignment. Through extra repetition work, of the energy lines and gentle stretches, on the weaker sides of the body and less repetition on the stronger sides of the body – there may a be a difference in sides, between lower and upper body – it is possible to restore stability and balance to both sides of the body.

Hagbard – working on one of the energy lines, in the thigh and hip.

Hagbard – working on one of the energy lines, in the thigh.
What are the benefits of Therapeutic Thai Massage and what can it treat?
Therapeutic Thai Massage is an excellent, Advanced form of Thai Massage. I offer Therapeutic treatments to anyone, who feels they need body balancing, stability and mobility work, which is in all honesty, all of us!
Therapeutic Thai Massage is also extremely good for treating people, who are suffering from specific ailments and conditions. In particular, this can include:- specific pain in the upper, middle and lower lumber areas of the back. Pain in the neck, shoulders, scapular and spine. Pain in the any of the joints, shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, ankle. Pain, or mobility issues in the hip. Sciatic nerve pain. To treat these types/areas of pain, specific acupressure points that relate to say the knee or neck, are stimulated, in addition to working the relevant energy lines, in different parts of the body.
Therapeutic Thai Massage can treat people suffering from partial paralysis. Maybe caused through a trapped nerve, a possible accident, or after having a stroke. It is really good at creating stability in the body and therefore enables, greater mobility in the body. It also released stiffness and increases flexibility. In addition, it will treat all the ailments, already listed on my Thai Yoga Massage page.

Hagbard – working on releasing the shoulder and scapular, thorough releasing the inner arm muscles.

Hagbard – working on the acupressure points of the neck.
Therapeutic Thai Massage Treatment Information
All treatments are by appointment only and provided by Hagbard. All Avena ‘Mind & Body’ – Treatments – Courses – Workshops – are offered with Metta – love and kindness, through an open heart.
Treatment Times
Monday – Friday 11:00am – 7:00pm
Occasionally I can offer a treatment outside the above times and over a weekend
Treatment Fees & Duration
Thai Massage – Discount Offer Blog – June/July 2018
A complete Therapeutic Thai Massage treatment cost: £80 and lasts 2 hours
A shorter Therapeutic Thai Massage treatment cost: £65 and lasts 90 minutes
A partial Therapeutic Thai Massage treatment cost: £50 and lasts 1 hour
How to Book – Deposit – Terms & Conditions
To book a treatment
call me on: 07968 178 192
or E-mail: info@avenamindandbody.com
or use the contact me form
A £20 deposit is required for all treatments.
You can see my full terms and conditions on this page
Treatment Recommendations & Obligations
It is advisable to shower, remove all makeup, perfume, aftershave, before coming for a Therapeutic Thai Massage treatment.
It is your duty to inform me about any of the following: any medical conditions, use of medication, skin allergies/reactions, if you have high blood pressure, have a pacemaker, wear contact lenses, you are menstruating, you are pregnant or think you might be.