Hagbard – The travelling Thai masseur returns!

Once again, I’m back on my travels, in Thailand. I’m here for a further three months, studying more forms of Advanced Thai Massage & Bodywork. I flew in to Chiang Mai, in mid November and have recently completed, my first course, a two week, Acupressure Medical Therapeutic Massage course, with Naom Tyroler.I had a previous three months period, studying Advanced Thai Massage & Bodywork, from mid December 16 to mid March 17. By the time I leave Thailand, in mid February 18, I will have spent a total of 6 months, studying in Thailand!

All the Advanced Thai Massage techniques I have been studying, are in preparation for me to teach you guys, new and different forms of Thai Massage and to offer you the option, to receive different Thai Massage, treatment styles.

Hagbard on his bike, having just picked up his ‘new’ portable massage mat.

I initially trained and qualified, in Thai Massage, in the UK, way back in 98 and went on to study more Advanced Thai Massage techniques, over the following four years.

More recently, towards the end of last year, I decided it was time to immerse myself in, yet more Thai Massage training techniques. So where better a place to do that, than in Thailand itself. The country that fully embraced and developed Thai Massage.

On my earlier trip to Chiang Mai, I studied 7 different courses. That included:- Advanced Thai Massage Stretches and Medical Therapeutic Thai Massage with Suriyan Punyafoo.  Ayurveda Thai Yoga Massage and Yoga Asana Massage with Kam Thye Chow.  As well as study with Pichest Boothmann.

Hagbard – practicing an Acupressure Medical Therapeutic Thai Massage treatment, on the arm.

Hagbard – receiving an Acupressure Medical Therapeutic Thai Massage treatment, on the arm.











Earlier in March 17, I studied Medical Therapeutic Thai Massage, with Suriyan Punyafoo – who is my all time, favourite teacher! His experience and knowledge is second to none! In fact, I wonder if one-day, he will replace Pichest Bothmann and become the next Master of Thai Massage.

I wanted to attend Noam Tyroler’s  Acupressure Medical Therapeutic Thai Massage course last year, but when I arrived in Thailand in December 16, his course had just finished. So I pre-booked his course, earlier in the year, to make sure I could study with him. I finished Noam’s course two weeks ago and love the way it compliments Suriyan’s course.

Both teachers offer different styles of Medical Therapeutic Massage. Noam trained at the Wat Po School  in Bangkok, Thailand. Whilst Suriyan trained at the Royal Medical School  in Bangkok, Thailand.

Hagbard – with the acupressure points, for a neck and shoulder pain treatment, drawn on his body!

Hagbard – with the acupressure points, for a neck and shoulder pain treatment, drawn on his body!

A fellow student – with the acupressure points around the scapular, drawn on his body!














The Royal Medical School focuses on 60 acupressure points. At the Wat Po School, they focus on 200 acupressure points. So you might conclude that the Wat Po style offers more, in way of a treatment. This is not necessarily so!

The Royal Medical School, takes a more holistic approach, to a treatment. Whilst the Wat Po School, focuses on treating specific orthopaedic conditions, which it does really well. The Royal Medical School, does not treat orthopaedic disorders in isolation, so it has the the ability to discover the route course of orthopaedic conditions.

A Royal Medical School treatment, treats the whole body, which may include treating several orthopaedic conditions, all at the same time. One orthopaedic condition may affect, or be the route cause of another. Through using a metaphor, Suriyan explains this really well. The Royal Medical style, treats the entire tree, whilst the Wat Po style, treats specific branches, or leaves.

Suriyan Punyafoo on the right – Noam Tyroler second from the right.

Our Acupressure Medial Therapeutic Massage class of Nov/Dec 2017 – Hagbard on the right.











The day after I finished Noam’s course, I received a Medical Therapeutic treatment from Suriyan. I had a second treatment yesterday. The outcome of the treatments, prove Suriyan’s above point, really well.

When I arrived in Thailand, I had ongoing pain in my shoulder and neck. It started, several weeks before my arrival. After an isolated Acupressure treatment, the pain still remained. It turned out, that my neck and shoulder condition was being aggravated by another underlying issue. My hip was out of alignment and was creating an imbalance in my body. My body was over compensating for this imbalance. So the knock on effect, was causing the pain in my shoulder and neck.

I love what both styles have to offer, but I know which one, I personally prefer! 🙏❤️🙏

Noam Tyroler – demonstrating a fantastic stretch, which is brilliant for treating and releasing lower back pain. It certainly worked on me! I haven’t had any lower back pain, since!

The names and countries, of the people on Noam’s course. What an international group!

Who said, Thai Massage was boring and not fun! My fellow class mates, having some fun on the last but one day, of our two week course, with Noam. I was first to go and then decided I had to video it…🤣😂🤣

After Noam’s course, I had a week off, to chill and relax. Even though I’d arrived 5 days prior to Noam’s course, I was still suffering jet lag! This week, I’ve been back at Sunshine Massage School  every day, practicing different styles of Thai Yoga Massage, with my lovely friend Anne and a couple of other students.

There is no better way to enhance your Thai Massage skills and learn more, than through practice, practice, PRACTICE! 😀😜😀 All my fellow students are accomplished practitioners, who like me, have studied many different styles of Thai Massage. When we practice together, we not only improve our skills, we also learn additional techniques, from each other.

Next week, I start a months worth of study. First off I will be working with Roni Gilboa, who runs a course entitled “Warm Hands for an Aching Body”. This is a great form of Bodywork, which works on our body Facia. I’ve experienced Roni’s style of bodywork, through a treatment I received, from one of her students. It’s like receiving a massage hug, which I love!

Then on Xmas day, I start three weeks study with Suriyan Punyafoo. The first week will be “Fieldwork”, where we go out into the community, to offer free massages to Thai people. We will be working on people with all sorts of conditions and ailments. There’s really no better way to hone my skills, than massaging as many people as possible.

Then I will study Suriyan’s two week “Beginners Course”! Suriyan is not running any Advanced Thai Massage courses, whilst I’m here. So I thought – after twenty years of working as a Thai Masseur – what a great opportunity to go back to the beginning and start all over again!

My lovely friend Anne, who is also an accomplished Advanced Thai Masseur, did just this, whilst I was studying with Noam. She told me, she’s gained so much additional experience, through redoing the beginners course. From the massage swap she gave me yesterday, I’d certainly agree. I can’t wait to work with Suriyan again, as I REALLY love working with him, just incase you hadn’t quite got that…! 🤣😂🤣

Sorry, but I couldn’t resist adding this final picture…! 🤣😜😂

The weather the other day in Thailand at 10am and the UK at 3am. We’re 7 hours ahead of you. By the afternoon it got up to 32c, which is to hot to massage in, without fans! Thankfully it is now beginning to cool down a bit.

If you’re interested in receiving a Thai Massage, or want a specific orthopaedic treatment, that can treat many different conditions, including:- back issues, neck and shoulder issues, knee joint issues, sprained ankle issues etc, or if you’d like to attend one of my Beginner Traditional Thai Massage or Advanced Thai Massage training courses, don’t hesitate to contact me. I return to the UK in mid February 18. Shortly after my return, I will resume offering treatments and start my next training course. For more information, please send me an email, to info@avenamindandbody.com

So until my next blog, take care of yourselves and have a great Xmas & New Year.

Love, light and laughter to you all… Hagbard 🙏❤️🙏 xx